Samsung recently launched its new Galaxy S23 flagship series, which includes an exclusive feature called Image Clipper. This feature allows users to crop objects from photos in an instant, simply by tapping and holding on the image in the Gallery app. The cropped object can then be saved, shared, or copied as a new image.
While the feature is currently exclusive to the Galaxy S23, reports suggest that it will become available to other devices via a future Gallery app update. This update is expected to be rolled out to devices that have received or will receive One UI 5.1, including the Galaxy S20, S21, and S22 series, as well as the Galaxy Note 20 and Note 20 Ultra, Galaxy Z Fold 2, Z Fold 3, and Z Fold 4, and the Galaxy Z Flip and Z Flip 5G.
Samsung's One UI 5.1 update is feature-rich and has been released earlier than expected for several older Galaxy phones, including the S20, S21, and S22 series, as well as Fan Edition phones. This early release demonstrates Samsung's commitment to providing new firmware to Galaxy users as soon as possible.
While it remains unclear when select Galaxy tablets will receive Image Clipper, Samsung's commitment to bringing new features to older devices is a positive sign for Galaxy users. The Image Clipper feature provides an easy way to crop objects from photos, saving time and effort for users. With its expected availability on more devices soon, Samsung users will have even more reasons to love their Galaxy phones and tablets.